Created Background artwork for the main menu screen. Also created sprite sheets for the buttons on the main menu screen.

modified the game code to actually run with the game states framework.
GameState.js will now actually load a semi-playable version of the game instead of simply throwing errors.
I added an upgrades game state that will be used as the "store".
created a level one to be used.
Updated the enemy AI to shoot at the player if within a certain distance (same as in the prototype).
GameState.js can now be restarted after the player is killed.

Created upgrades and completed the Upgrades game state. I made global variables that certain parameters of gameplay will depend on.
I created a new button sprite sheet for the upgrades. I developed the in game experience system so the player will be able to purchase upgrades.
I fixed the locations of the objects in the Upgrades.js so that they will not randomly change location after completion of the first level.
I fixed the explosion sprite sheet so that it has a transparent background. I created another tile map that can be used for a level.
I fixed the fire rate for the player so that it is not able to fire infinitely fast.
Added upgrades for the light radius of the ship and moved where the loading bar in the loading screen is located.
Tested game play and fixed many minor bugs.
Removed the backgrounds from the buttons.
Updated certain aesthetic elements of the game to make it look cleaner: such as fonts used in game states and locations of text.